How To Host A Successful Street Team Marketing Campaign

Street team marketing is an effective, low-cost strategy for any brand to increase their awareness, boost engagement, or advertise a product or service. This type of marketing allows you to interact directly with your target audience in their everyday lives – adding an unseen advantage when compared to other forms of marketing. While street team marketing seems easy, there are some important factors to consider in order to achieve the most success in your campaign.

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An Eye-Catching Flyer.

When distributing your materials, it’s important that your flyer immediately catches the attention of the public. This way, someone is more likely to take the time to read the flyer and familiarize themself with your brand rather than simply shoving it in their purse or throwing it away. Having materials that are visually appealing will increase the professionalism of your campaign, too. Ensure that your brand name and logo are easily visible, and make sure to include your social media handles and website (a QR code for this is a great idea).

Proper Card Stock
Making sure that your materials are printed on heavy-duty card stock will not only increase professionalism, but also ensure that your flyers can withstand poor weather, heat, and any other potential damage. Heavy-duty card stock will typically be 90 lb cover weight and above, and getting yours with a glossy finish will give it extra protection against rain.

A Catchy Pitch or Tagline.
Having a catchy saying attached to your brand is likely to increase engagement and brand awareness. With a unique pitch or tagline, your audience is more likely to remember your brand and potentially look into your services or products. Street team marketing is also a great opportunity to test out different taglines as you get an immediate,
in-person reaction from the consumer.


A Great Location
This is one of the most important aspects of a successful street team marketing campaign. Determine the target audience for your brand and find a location where you’re likely to interact with them. You want to look for high-traffic areas that still allow you to approach and talk with the public. For your staff, also try to find a location that has access to bathrooms.  Keep in mind, though, that high traffic times will depend on your target audience. For example, if you’re flyering on a busy city street, you want to make sure you’re around between 4-6 p.m. to catch everyone on their way home from work. 

An Engaging Event.
A great way to attract attention to your brand is organizing an engaging event. You can include games, product samples, promotional merchandise, or anything else that makes sense for your specific brand’s identity. Again, this will help increase brand awareness and engagement with the public. I mean, who doesn’t love free stuff?

Key Talking Points
Since the interaction between your staff and the consumer is so short, you’ll need to determine the most important aspects of your campaign to share. Make sure that these talking points are consistent among all of your staff members so the public essentially receives the same message. Highlight any awards the product has received, testimonials from important people or businesses, and what makes it unique compared to other products/services.

A Great Team (Personality, High Energy)
A charismatic, high-energy team member has the potential to exponentially increase the success of your marketing campaign. As the face of the brand, a positive interaction on the street will lead the consumer to think positively about your brand. Select a team you’re confident will produce these types of interactions. Additionally, make sure your team is comfortable with rejection. While many interactions while flyering are pleasant, there are always people who don’t want to be bothered.

Good Weather
Since street teams usually operate outdoors, the weather is a major factor. Keep an eye on the forecast, come prepared with bad weather equipment, and most importantly, have a back-up plan such as a tent or an alternative indoor location.

Extra Materials
While in the street for many hours, it’s often unclear exactly how much material to bring. The best advice is to bring much more than you anticipate you’ll pass out. It’s much better to come home with extras than run out early!

With these useful tips and strategies, street team marketing can become a very successful tool in boosting your brand. Taking the time to carefully organize your campaign will make all the difference in effectively reaching your target audience on the street. 

If you’re looking to book street team services for your next campaign, consider reaching out to Broadway Crew, New York's most talented flyering and event staffing solution.


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