‘Tis The Season: Halloween

The incredible work we do at Broadway Crew experiences plenty of peaks and valleys throughout the year, depending on which events need us the most at different times. We’ve had to break into the ever-changing tide of it all, and learn to customize our work alongside our clients throughout the year, as opposed to a regular weekly schedule. After all, how does a staffing company reliant on events keep a consistent level of work for its staff? That’s what this series is all about: the seasons throughout the year where we keep our work the strongest!

Aside from our relationships with our theatrical accounts, and the shows we promote Broadway at TKTS on a weekly basis, we pick up countless connections with different brand activations and partnerships throughout the year. These fill in the gaps for when Broadway ticket sales have their inevitable lulls, and sometimes even double our workload to ensure our staff makes enough to plan into the January-March off-season. The holiday season is particularly important, with the most popular events taking place in the city revolving around heavy hitters like Halloween and Christmas.

Today’s topic is Halloween: the events we help out with during the spooky season, and why they’re unique compared to the rest of the year. Halloween in particular is chock-full of interactive events. While you have your usual off-island flyering and demographic-targeting, there are plenty of standout events that allow us to interact with patrons in a completely different way!

Our most significant Halloween event is representing Spectrum News NY1 at the annual New York Village Halloween Parade, handing out LED bracelets, flashlights, and tote bags. The turnout at this event is astronomical, and our team conquers it every single time. We’ve handed out thousands upon thousands of Spectrum swag, interacting with patrons who have dressed up to either watch the parade or walk in it themselves! The interactions we have with families who are bringing their kids to the event for the very first time are nothing short of memorable, and really build the morale of our Crew. It’s those moments where you really get to see just how lovely this job is, and the profound impact it can have on patrons and Crew members alike!

Another essential part of our Halloween season is our work with Beetlejuice on Broadway. Beetlejuice is the Rockettes of the spooky season, a gothic joyride for patrons looking to celebrate everything that makes Halloween special. It’s evidently our busiest time working for the show, and as we work through the show’s final year, we are really relishing in handing out Beetlejuice swag and judging their annual costume contest. Hosting these kinds of events never fails to excite our Crew and create worthwhile memories for everyone involved!

All of these specific events give us ample face time with potential clients as well! Believe it or not, producers and brands are always watching, scouting for potential partners to work with for their own unique events. To see our Crew out there making a positive impact and staying enthusiastic throughout an event (which can get crazy!) goes a very long way. We’ve had plenty of folks notice our work with patrons, motivating them to inquire about our services and get to know what sets us apart from other promotional and street teams!


Coffee With The Crew #1: Tiffany


Hitting the Hotspots! - Issue 01: Intro